ROFL Meaning

“ROFL” stands for “Rolling On the Floor Laughing.”

What does ROFL mean?

Imagine something so funny that you can’t control your laughter – that’s when you might say you’re “ROFL,” picturing yourself rolling on the floor with laughter.

“ROFL” is an acronym that expresses intense laughter.


The term “ROFL” originated in online chats and text messaging as a way to convey laughter more clearly. It adds a humorous visual element to expressing amusement.

Usage in Sentences:

  1. “That joke you told had me ROFL! 😂”
    • Feeling: You found something extremely funny, laughing uncontrollably.
  2. “Watched a comedy show last night, and I was ROFL the entire time! 🤣”
    • Feeling: The comedy show was so hilarious that you laughed continuously.
  3. “Sent my friend a funny meme, and their response was ROFL! 🙌”
    • Feeling: The meme you sent was so amusing that your friend couldn’t stop laughing.
MeaningRolling On the Floor Laughing, used to express intense laughter.
OriginOriginated in online communication and text messaging to vividly convey the act of laughing.
Common Usage“That joke you told had me ROFL! 😂” (Feeling: Intense Laughter) “Watched a comedy show last night, and I was ROFL the entire time! 🤣” (Feeling: Continuous Laughter)
Related SlangsLOL, LMAO
PopularityWidely used to describe fits of laughter in response to something extremely funny.
Is it safe for ChildrenYes, it’s safe and commonly used in a playful context to express laughter.
Is it Safe to use at WorkUse with caution; it may be suitable in informal work communication, but assess the context for appropriateness.
Emoji used to express😂 (Face with Tears of Joy) or 🤣 (Rolling on the Floor Laughing) to visually represent intense laughter.

Related Slangs:

  1. LOL (Laugh Out Loud): Used for general laughter.
  2. LMAO (Laughing My [Butt] Off): Expresses intense laughter, similar to ROFL.

ROFL in Instagram Meaning

“ROFL” in Instagram means “Rolling On the Floor Laughing.”

ROFL in Snapchat Meaning

“ROFL” in Snapchat means “Rolling On the Floor Laughing.”

ROFL in TikTok Meaning

“ROFL” in TikTok means “”Rolling On the Floor Laughing.”

Typical Users of ROFL

The term ROFL is mostly used by kids, teenagers or young adults.

Popularity of ROFL over time

Source: Google Trends

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