LBVS Meaning

“LBVS” stands for “Laughing, But Very Serious.”

What does LBVS mean?

“LBVS” is a way to express laughter while still conveying that you’re serious about the topic.

It’s like saying, “I find this funny, but I’m also serious about what I’m saying.”


People started using “LBVS” in online conversations and texts to add a touch of humor to serious discussions. It allows them to acknowledge the amusement without losing the seriousness of the conversation.

Usage in Sentences:

  1. “Shared a funny story, but LBVS, it taught me a valuable lesson. 😅”
    • Feeling: You’re sharing a humorous incident but emphasizing the serious lesson learned.
  2. “His comment had me LBVS; he’s got a point, though. 🤔”
    • Feeling: You found the comment amusing, but you also acknowledge the validity or seriousness behind it.
  3. “LBVS, that movie was so bad, it became good in a weird way. 🎬”
    • Feeling: You’re expressing amusement at the movie’s badness but acknowledging an unusual appreciation.

Related Slangs:

  1. TBH (To Be Honest): Used before expressing an honest opinion.
  2. IMO (In My Opinion): Indicates a personal viewpoint.
MeaningLaughing, But Very Serious, used to express amusement while maintaining seriousness about the topic.
OriginEmerged in online conversations and texts as a way to balance humor and seriousness.
Common Usage“Shared a funny story, but LBVS, it taught me a valuable lesson. 😅” (Feeling: Humorous Lesson) “His comment had me LBVS; he’s got a point, though. 🤔” (Feeling: Amused Agreement)
Related SlangsTBH, IMHO
PopularityFrequently used in digital communication to navigate the delicate balance between humor and seriousness.
Is it safe for ChildrenYes, it’s safe and often used in a friendly manner to add humor to serious discussions.
Is it Safe to use at WorkUse with caution; it’s suitable in informal work communication, but assess the context for appropriateness.
Emoji used to express😅 (Grinning Face with Sweat) or 🤔 (Thinking Face) to visually represent the mix of humor and seriousness.

“LBVS” allows you to mix humor with seriousness, creating a balance between laughter and acknowledging the genuine aspects of a situation.

LBVS in Instagram Meaning

“LBVS” in Instagram means “Laughing, But Very Serious.”

LBVS in Snapchat Meaning

“LBVS” in Snapchat means “Laughing, But Very Serious.”

LBVS in TikTok Meaning

“LBVS” in TikTok means “Laughing, But Very Serious.”

Typical Users of LBVS 

The term LBVS is mostly used by kids, teenagers or young adults.

Popularity of LBVS over time

Source: Google Trends

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