IYKYK Meaning

IYKYK” means “If You Know You Know”

What does IYKYK mean in Chats?

“IYKYK” is a short way to say that only certain people know or understand what’s being talked about.

How to Pronounce IYKYK

Just say each letter like “I,” “Y,” “K,” “Y,” “K.”

Usage in Sentences

  1. “I can’t believe they canceled the event last minute. IYKYK, it’s all about the backup plans.”
    • Emotion: Frustration
    • Context: Expressing disappointment over a canceled event, with a subtle nod to the importance of preparedness known to insiders.
  2. “This meme is too good. IYKYK, it’s the ultimate inside joke.”
    • Emotion: Amusement
    • Context: Sharing a meme that holds significance or humor for those familiar with the referenced content or context.

Related Slangs:

  1. KMK (Kiss My *ss, Keep My King)
  2. SMH (Shaking My Head)
  3. GTG (Got To Go)

Typical Users of IYKYK

The term IYKYK is mostly used by kids, young adults and teenagers.

Popularity of IYKYK over time

Source: Google Trends

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