IIRC Meaning

IIRC” means If I Remember Correctly.”

What does IIRC mean in Chats?

“IIRC” is like your mental safety net. It’s when you’re trying to remember something but wanna double-check with the squad.

“IIRC” is like your mental checkpoint, helping you navigate through memories and conversations with a bit of caution.

How to Pronounce IIRC

Just say each letter like “eye-eye-arr-see”.

Usage in Sentences

  1. “We hung out last summer, right? IIRC, it was at Jake’s house.”
    • Emotion: Uncertainty
    • Meaning: It’s like sayin’, “We hung out last summer, didn’t we? If I remember correctly, it was at Jake’s house.”
  2. “IIRC, the movie starts at 7 PM, but let me double-check.”
    • Emotion: Caution
    • Meaning: Just a way of sayin’, “If I remember correctly, the movie starts at 7 PM, but let me double-check to be sure.”
  3. “Didn’t Sarah say she’s coming? IIRC, she had other plans.”
    • Emotion: Doubt
    • Meaning: It’s like sayin’, “Didn’t Sarah mention she’s coming? If I remember correctly, she had other plans.”

Related Slangs:

  1. AFAIR: Short for “As Far As I Remember”. Similar to IIRC but with a slightly different vibe.
MeaningIf I Remember Correctly, your mental sticky note for double-checking memories.
How to PronounceJust say each letter: “eye-eye-arr-see”. Easy peasy!
OriginEmerged as a way to express uncertainty or the need for confirmation in casual conversations.
Common Usage“We hung out last summer, right? IIRC, it was at Jake’s house.” “IIRC, the movie starts at 7 PM, but let me double-check.” “Didn’t Sarah say she’s coming? IIRC, she had other plans.”
Related SlangsAFAIR
PopularityPretty common in casual conversations when reminiscing or recalling details.
Is it safe for ChildrenAbsolutely! It’s just a way of double-checking memories and details in a casual way.
Is it Safe to use at WorkKeep it for those casual work convos with your close colleagues, but not for formal meetings.
Emoji used to express🤔 (Thinking Face), 🧐 (Face with Monocle) to show that you’re ponderin’ and double-checkin’ your memories.
IIRC in Instagram MeaningOn Insta, “IIRC” might pop up in captions when someone’s reminiscin’ about old photos or events, addin’ a bit of uncertainty to the nostalgia.
IIRC in Snapchat MeaningSnap “IIRC” to your friends when you’re not entirely sure about somethin’ they mentioned in a chat. It’s all about keepin’ the conversation accurate and honest!
IIRC in TikTok MeaningToss “IIRC” in your TikTok captions when you’re sharin’ a throwback video or story and wanna make sure you’re rememberin’ it right. It’s like a little disclaimer for accuracy!

Typical Users of IIRC

The term IIRC is mostly used by young adults and teenagers.

Popularity of IIRC over time

Source: Google Trends

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