IGS Meaning

“IGS” means “I Guess So.”

What does IGS mean?

IGS” is an abbreviation derived from the phrase “I Guess So.”

It is used to mean unsurety in a chat on social media.


The use of “IGS” as an abbreviation for “I Guess So” originated in online chats, text messaging, and social media.

It serves as a short form way to express uncertainty or agreement.

Usage in Sentences:

  1. “Are we meeting later? IGS, if nothing else comes up. 🤷‍♂️”
    • Emotion: Tentative Agreement
    • Context: This use of “IGS” suggests a tentative agreement to meeting later, with the added possibility of other plans.
  2. “Planning to join for dinner? IGS, but I’ll let you know for sure later. 🍽️”
    • Emotion: Uncertainty
    • Context: This use of “IGS” conveys a level of uncertainty about joining for dinner, with a commitment to confirm later.
  3. “Will you be attending the event? IGS, but it depends on my schedule. 🗓️”
    • Emotion: Conditional Agreement
    • Context: This use of “IGS” indicates a conditional agreement, contingent on the individual’s schedule.

Related Slangs:

  1. IDK (I Don’t Know): Expressing a lack of knowledge or uncertainty.
  2. TBH (To Be Honest): Introducing an honest or candid statement.

MeaningI Guess So, used as a casual expression to convey a tentative agreement or acknowledgment.
OriginEmerged in online communication, text messaging, and social media as a convenient way to express agreement with a degree of uncertainty.
Common Usage“Are we meeting later? IGS, if nothing else comes up. 🤷‍♂️” (Emotion: Tentative Agreement) “Planning to join for dinner? IGS, but I’ll let you know for sure later. 🍽️” (Emotion: Uncertainty)
Related SlangsIDK, TBH
PopularityWidely used in social media chats to convey a sense of tentative agreement or acknowledgment.
Is it safe for ChildrenYes, it’s safe for children and is commonly used in chats to express casual agreement.
Is it Safe to use at WorkYes, it’s suitable for informal work communication, especially in contexts where a relaxed tone is acceptable.
Emoji used to express🤷‍♂️ (Shrug) or 🗓️ (Calendar) to visually represent a degree of uncertainty or conditionality in the agreement.

IGS in Instagram Meaning

“IGS” in Instagram means “I Guess So.”

IGS in Snapchat Meaning

“IGS” in Snapchat means “I Guess So.”

IGS in TikTok Meaning

“IGS” in TikTok means “I Guess So.”

Typical Users of IGS

The slang IGS is typically used by teenagers or young adults.

Popularity of IGS over time

Source: Google Trends

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